Herbal Ingredients: Exposing Common Misconceptions

When we’re sick or injured, we usually use the medication in the form of synthetic pills and drugs to numb much of the pain or to treat a specific type of illness. However, most people living in remote areas or from centuries past don’t have access to such advanced medicine types. But there’s one tried and tested way of treating wounds without the need for medication, and this is in the form of herbs.

Not only are herbs great ways of treating injuries and ailments, but they’re great additions to dishes. Historically, herbs have been used by almost all types of societies and civilizations across the world when it comes to treating injuries, diseases, and as a spicy additive to cuisines.

Even though most individuals use herbs as an ingredient in their cooking or as an alternative to certain health complications, much of the medical community have yet to do scientific studies on such herbs. Since there’s not that much research on particular herbs, there’s bound to be unclaimed myths and misconceptions regarding these plants.

But what are some myths and misconceptions that have been plaguing vegetables and herbs for a long time? Here’s what you’ll need to know.

Cabbages When Applied on Skin Can Reduce Inflammation

The use of cabbage leaf wraps and poultices to treat wounds, disorders, and pain has been a controversial matter in both the medical community and the public in the last few months. Most would say that it’s an effective age-old European remedy that has worked through centuries, while others would say that there is no medical and scientific basis for such claims.

Online personalities have been claiming that it can cure conditions such as tumor and skin conditions. In reality, online studies have shown that even though cabbages are considered nonsteroidal anti-inflammation agents, cabbage in treating such conditions is mild and almost non-existent compared to medication specifically designed in treating pain.

Garlic Cures High Blood Pressure

In most cultures, garlic is known for being used as an ingredient for a lot of dishes since it’s fragrant and can add a lot of flavor to dishes. Not only is it a great ingredient for cooking, but it’s also been traditionally used in treating a wide variety of ailments and even wounds.

But contrary to what most people think, too much garlic can increase bleeding if they are rubbed on wounds. However, most individuals would account for reduced inflammation and swelling on wounds if applied in moderate amounts.

Still, garlic has been scientifically proven in killing off disease-causing microbes, having antioxidants that help destroy early cancer cells and generally lower the risk of hypertension and symptoms related to it.

As most of us know, certain garlic chemicals are released depending on how it is chopped up or prepared. Usually, garlic that’s freshly cut or those turned into supplements are known for containing sulfuric compounds and other types of substances that can improve the individual’s overall health.

If your blood pressure is normal or slightly above what is considered normal, garlic is known for being a great addition to your diet. It may help in preventing the build-up of cholesterol and plaque in your cardiovascular system.

It’s still important to note that garlic should not replace medicine explicitly prescribed for high blood pressure. If you have problems with hypertension, herbal remedies should not be considered a primary remedy to such health issues.

Herbs Are Easy to Grow

There’s a common notion that herbs are hard to grow, especially when most are prized for being used in intricate and exotic dishes. In reality, most herbs are easy to grow, given that they are planted in the right weather conditions.

If you’re planning on growing herbs in your own sustainable garden, you don’t necessarily need to use intricate and high-tech equipment to get the job done. Most traditional means of cultivating plants and crops are already great ways of proliferating such plants’ growth. An irrigation system is also another great way of optimizing your garden for the growth of herbs. Fortunately, some services assist with irrigation installation. Giving your herbs and plants much-needed water and nutrients can help increase yield and quality.

There are a lot of advantages to taking in having readily-available herbs in our garden. Still, people should not treat herbs as a be-all-end-all cute to health conditions, especially serious ones requiring expert medical attention. Although there’s no problem with planting a few herbs in your garden for cooking, it’s important to have a well-balanced and healthy meal that will have all the necessary herbs and vegetables.

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