Source: HOK
Have you ever wished you could improve your employees’ productivity without having to consult with every single one of them? You may not need to pander to individual needs but rather focus on improving their work environment.
Various factors in the office setting can greatly affect not only your worker’s efficiency but their overall attitude towards work, as well. If they’re unhappy or unmotivated, then it will show in their output. Here are the aspects of your work environment you can tweak to enhance employee productivity:
Climate and cleanliness
As a manager, one of your perennial jobs is to maintain office appliances that control the office temperature. If the employees in your Salt Lake City office constantly complain that the air conditioning (AC) unit is too cold or warm, call for AC repair and maintenance services right away.
With a functional AC, your employees stay cool and comfortable while on the job. How cool, you ask? Between 70 to 73 degrees Fahrenheit, according to research. Any hotter than this and employee productivity can dip for as much as 4% per degree.
Like climate control, your office’s air quality is important, too. You can’t have workers calling a day off because of breathing difficulties and other related health problems. Make sure to replace AC filters and clean and sanitize ducts regularly.
It pays to check how much natural light enters your office, as it affects productivity, too. It has something to do with the circadian rhythms or body clocks. The same faculty that dictates your sleep cycle at night and stimulation during the day can also determine your employees’ productivity levels at work.
This doesn’t mean you can simulate the same effect with artificial lighting. High-intensity lighting can cause headaches, while dim lighting causes eye strain and drowsiness. The key is to strike a balance and seek out natural sources as much as possible.
Noise level
Noise can come from various sources inside the workplace. This can range from chattering co-workers to the constant clicking sound from keyboards. They are ambient stressors that can take anyone out of their deep concentration and make them less productive.
On the other hand, soft background noise or even music can positively impact productivity and make repetitive tasks easier. Invest in sound-absorbing materials that can improve your office’s acoustics. You can also look into how a room’s design and furniture arrangement affects reverberation.
Office design
Speaking of furniture, your workers’ everyday tools of the trade can affect their productivity based on criteria of comfort, functionality, and ease of use. How many times have your employees complained that their desk is too low and rigid or their chairs hurt their lower back?
It’s not only about upgrading your office fittings, but it’s also about how you arrange them. Put together office elements that spark creativity through collaboration and strategically organize pieces of furniture for quicker passage.
Internet speed
As far as productivity concerns go, internet speed issues are probably the most prevalent and the most palpable. Hands down, it’s frustrating when loading a single webpage takes so long – what more if you need to access multiple sites in a day?
You need to have a reliable IT team in place to respond to speed and connectivity matters. In this case, you’re not just looking at office productivity but business dependability. Real-time collaborations, managing customer support, and ready access to cloud-based applications all rely on fast internet.
These are the essential yet often overlooked aspects that can keep your office running like a well-oiled machine. Pay attention to these, and you’re guaranteed to see positive changes in your employee’s productivity.