Making Healthy Choices for a Healthier You

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Striving to eat a healthy diet can be a constant struggle. There are a few key tips to make it a little easier to eat well. One downfall for many people is the food you have on hand. Mindlessly eating a bag of chips or a row of cookies probably isn’t your proudest moment.

In order to make sure you have healthy food choices on hand, it’s important to know how to store those foods; especially if they are fresh fruits and vegetables. Most refrigerators will have slides for humidity on the drawers. Pay attention to where the slide is positioned, you want to make sure you have fruit on the fruit setting and vegetables on its respective setting. Having food stored in the ideal settings will help keep it from spoiling before you have a chance to eat it. 

Supplements are not meant to take the place of eating well, that’s not to say you shouldn’t take them to supplement your diet. Probiotic capsules, for example, can help to keep your digestive system in check by balancing out the good bacteria it needs. Be sure to check with your doctor to make sure you are taking the correct quantity of the right supplements to avoid taking too much of something that could cause you more harm than good. 

Stocking a Healthy Pantry 

When it comes to a healthy approach to stocking your pantry, variety is the key. Start with some of the things you enjoy eating, and build from there. Incorporate grains, canned foods, nuts, legumes, beans, oils, sauces and condiments. Basically, everything you would need to make a quick and healthy recipe or snack. 

  • Grains – When it comes to grains, there are a variety of meals that can be made using these. Everything from oats for breakfast, quinoa for lunch or whole wheat pasta/brown rice to supplement lean proteins and/or roasted vegetables.
  • Canned Foods – From tuna to fruits and vegetables, canned foods help to make a healthy snack or meal in a pinch. 
  • Nuts, Beans and Legumes – Nuts are packed with healthy fats and fiber making them a wise choice for a quick snack. Beans offer versatility as wide as your imagination can offer; add them to everything from salads to pasta or soups.
  • Sauces and Condiments – Pasta sauces can make for a quick meal over wheat pasta or a healthy homemade pizza. Condiments such as vinegar or salad dressing make for the perfect topping to drizzle over a flavorful salad.

Healthy Eating Tips

When it comes to doing your grocery shopping, don’t go without a list. When you shop without a list or when you’re hungry, you’re more prone to making impulse buys. Impulse buys don’t tend to be the healthiest choices. When you’re doing your shopping, stick to the outer perimeter of the store. Fresh food choices tend to line the outer borders of the store, whereas processed foods are kept in the aisles in between. By steering clear of the less nutritious, preservative and chemical-laden foods in the aisles, you’re automatically eating better. 

Increase your protein consumption. Proteins help to keep you feeling fuller for longer, as opposed to carbs that offer countless empty calories. Especially if you are trying to lose weight, eating more proteins keeps you from losing muscle mass as you shed pounds. 

Never underestimate the importance of drinking water. Water offers a vast array of health and beauty benefits, Drinking water before a meal will help you to consume fewer calories by eating less. 

Arming yourself with the knowledge of how to eat healthier will empower you to meet your health goals and stay on track.