Find Out How To Eat Your Duck And Have It

what does duck taste like

Let’s let chicken and beef rest a little shall we? There are substitutes to them like duck meat that can make do for any kind of recipe you have in mind. Duck is tasty and it can be used in so many different ways, it is also nutrients filled and makes one of the best confit you can get make but there are some contentions about the amount of cholesterol …

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All You Should Know About Tripe

what does tripe taste like

I think it is safe to say that tripe isn’t a very patronized type of meat. Firstly, because we tend to have little knowledge of what it is used for, and secondly, the thought of eating Intestines! Yuck, then lastly, it just looks and feels like twined rubbery punishment. If you have that impression, you are totally in line but then do you know that animal offals are lower in …

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Don’t Think Too Hard This Is How Your Pompano Fish Tastes!

what does pompano fish taste like

It’s time for some fish! There are so many fish varieties out there that are amazingly tasty and perfect for any cooking, one of such kinds of fish is the Pompano. Fishes have a lot of nutritional benefits they give and cooking with exquisite species in different ways is becoming a common trend for cultures around the world. The pompano fish has a lot of features which makes it one …

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How to get the best from Turmeric

what does turmeric taste like

Tasty, refreshing, important, nutritional, and the list goes on and on. Whatever name you want to call it, spices represent them all. What will the world be without all these lovely spices to cook with? Talking about spices, turmeric makes a great one, and you all will agree with me that the benefits of turmeric are immeasurable both for health and cooking. Be that as it may, some people only …

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How to Use Ginger to Spice Up Your Cooking

How to Mince Ginger

Ginger is one of nature’s most versatile spices. It pairs well with savory dishes, and can even give quite a bit of heat to foods when used heavily. At the same time, it works beautifully with sweet dishes, like pumpkin pie, and, of course, gingerbread. You can buy ginger already dried and ground, but you are missing a lot of the best flavor by using it this way. Ginger is …

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This Is All You Should Know About Dragon Fruits

what does dragon fruit taste like

With the radiance and beauty some fruits come in you can’t help but look in admiration, let us take dragon fruits for instance, a lot of people do not even know what it is or what it is meant for but it is one of the most exquisite created fruits you can think of. With a polka-dot like interior and attractive bright exterior, you can’t get enough of it. We …

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Finally! Here Is What Makes Tofu So Special

what does tofu taste like

Frankly, if it isn’t tofu, it just isn’t tofu. Foods like tofu which have a lot of controversy as regards usage and health benefits are often avoided by people who know little about it and haven’t quite gotten a reason to find out more. This is borne out of fear of not getting it right or ending up with a tasteless mess. Recognizing it on the menu or in the …

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The Best Ways to Clean an Electric Kettle

how to clean electric kettle

In today’s busy world convenience is king and when it comes to boiling water nothing is more convenient than electric kettles. Electric kettles work by heating up metal coils, which in turn boil water surrounding them. Because water is in contact with said metal coils mineral deposits are a regular and expected part of owning an electric kettle. Luckily, cleaning up these mineral deposits is easy and today we’ll show …

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