For Your Chicken And Dumplings, Here is What Goes!

what to serve with chicken and dumplings

When talking about comfort food, chicken and dumplings top the list of what you should expect. The dish which typically consists of chicken which has been boiled from wholeness and cut down into parts with spices and vegetables such as celery and onions is then severed of all bones before it’s broth is used to prepare the dumplings that go with it. There are different ways the dumplings can be …

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How to Make Cookies Without Butter

How to Make Cookies Without Butter

If you are used to eating cookies made with butter, then it is possible that you could be wondering if you will enjoy one made with other butter substitutes. The closest alternative will be margarine, and most people do not seem to know the difference between the two. While butter is derived from animal fat, margarine springs from vegetable oils and non-animal fat. I have experimented making cookies with vegetable …

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Your Sloppy Joes Just Got Tastier With These Sides

what to serve with sloppy joes

Call it Manwich, sloppy Joes or like five other names I cannot begin to recall; they are all the same. Sloppy Joes are one of the easiest meals you can make, with ingredients that are very basic you know exactly what you are out to make before you start making it. History has it that sloppy Joes were first made by a cook who “mistakenly” threw in some tomatoes with …

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How to Steam Crab Legs in 3 Different Ways

There are plenty of ways on how you can cook crab legs, but there is no denying the fact that this delicious seafood is best served steamed. Steaming slowly releases the flavor of the crab, allowing you to savor its taste in all its glory. However, most people shy away from steaming crabs simply because they don’t have a steamer at home. If that is your case, did you know …

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The Ultimate Guide on How to Cook Black Rice Like A Pro

I discovered my love for rice during my trip to different Asian countries. During those visits, I have come to understand the fact that some dishes are best served with rice (I am referring to roasted duck and white chicken). But in those countries, rice typically means white rice (you know the unhealthy, carb-filled rice) and I always feel guilty whenever I crave for it. That is why I tried …

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Best Way to Reheat Biscuits: 3 Effective Methods that You Should Try

One of the most enjoyable and easy to carry food around is the biscuit. Nothing beats a good oven-baked biscuit. You can buy them in shops but you will enjoy this treat more if you bake it yourself. You can choose different flavors from chocolate to buttermilk. One problem that you will encounter with biscuits though is to find out what is the best way to reheat biscuits. Baking biscuits …

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Here are the Best Tomatoes for Salsa That You Are Looking For!

Planning to whip up a homemade salsa? Well, we will let you in on a little secret—the key to achieving an authentic tasting salsa is using the right kind of tomato. Over the years, there has already been plenty of debate when it comes to what are the best tomatoes for salsa. Some claim that it should be juicy while others think it should have a paste-like texture. In this …

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3 Simple Ways to Thicken Any Sauce Using Flour

A good sauce can make or break a dish. If it’s too thin, it may be lacking the depth and flavor needed to take your meal to the next level. One option is to continue cooking the sauce, but then you run the risk of burning or overcooking it and throwing off the flavor of your entire recipe. But, a simple ingredient that nearly everyone has in the kitchen pantry …

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