This Is The Right Way To Serve Your Sangria Keep Reading!

how to serve sangria

At times like this, I totally agree that some things in life are unforgettable, talk about the feeling of that chilled glass of sangria going from your throat into your stomach on a hot sunny day…mmm that is it. Ok, I guess you already know where I am going with this. Aside from the fact that most people cannot tell the difference between sangria and other lookalike drinks like chapman …

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Ever Wondered What To Serve With Lobsters? This Is It

What To Serve With Lobsters

Lobsters actually need no introduction, we all know well that these are not really everyday kind of food but that notwithstanding it all sums up in making you a genuine food lover or chef. If you have ever been in a fix on how to go about serving your lobsters or you totally just avoid them because you feel you have to be a pro to serve a perfect plate …

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This Is How You Should Serve Your Chicken Marbella, Thank Me Later

How You Should Serve Your Chicken Marbella

Chicken Marbella is a delicious dish that has been around for a long time, it is one of the specials that are found in the silver palate cookbook which is a custodian of lots of all-time classic dishes. It is a kind of chicken recipe you probably grew up eating but then it cannot categorically be said that everyone has a recipe for chicken Marbella. Even if you do happen …

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Pressure Cooker Recipes and Cookbooks for Super Quick Meals!

Pressure Cooker Recipes and Cookbooks

Have you ever used a pressure cooker? Or does just the thought of it make you nervous? In this article I’ll quickly discuss some basics of pressure cooking, share some great recipes (both meat-focused and vegetarian), and take a look at some of the best cookbooks available in case you really want to get into it scroll further down to read more detailed reviews, but feel free to click the …

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How To Get The Perfect Mashed Potato

what to serve with mashed potatoes

Mashed potato is a very well-known staple food, it is loved by all and since it is more or less a puree it is a special treat for youngsters. There are a lot of ways to get your mashed potatoes and a lot of dishes that can go with it. Unlike most people like you and I, OK, forgive me for speaking for you, am not really a mashed potato …

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Here Is What To serve With Pizza No More Guessing, This Is It!

What To serve With Pizza

Pizza, Yum! Can you ever get enough of this delectable piece? I don’t think so. Pizza is one dish that is so unique, actually, I think I should use the word satisfying, it is tasty, flavorful, colorful, and the list goes on. But then again, people are left wondering with what ways to pair pizza with befitting side dishes without it looking sloppy or getting the “what the hell is …

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How To Choose The Best Candy Thermometer

Best Candy Thermometer

Recently, I was halfway through making a cake for my daughter’s birthday party when I realized that the marshmallow fluff for the center was going to require a candy thermometer. I’d never needed a candy thermometer before, but quick research told me that while yes, you can estimate sugar temperatures through various methods, a thermometer is best for precise applications. I rushed out and grabbed the first thermometer I could …

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This Is What works well with your favourite pasta

what to serve with pasta

When I decided to write on this topic I had no idea if it was going to be a good or a bad idea, you ask why? Well, that’s because pasta (apart from money) cuts across all religion, race, tribe, etc. It’s like a basic or staple food lingua. I know that just by reading the title of this article you can already mention three to five side dishes that …

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