Your Truffles Mystery Solved!

what do truffles taste like

So you go through the papers one beautiful morning and find out that a piece of black irregular shaped food like stuff is being auctioned for $20,000, if you are someone like me then the first reaction is “what the…” That is what truffles can cause. When talking about fine dining and exquisite indulgence you can’t but mention truffles. I can hear someone “never heard of it”. Don’t bother; we …

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You can’t forget the taste of these sides with your chicken wings

what to serve with chicken wings

Watching the cool evening sky set with a drink at hand and a bowl of crisp Buffalo wings, what can I say? Life is good! I am an unrepentant lover of chicken wings; I have made it so much that I can give you a recipe right in my sleep, that is how much I like them. You can do practically whatever you like with your chicken wings, I mean, …

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Try these side pairs with your Beef Stroganoff today

what to serve with beef stroganoff

Here is for the meat lovers or the not so convinced to stay off meat people. You can prepare some beef stroganoff! For those who aren’t fully acquainted, let me enlighten you a little before we delve into this comfort food’s recipes. Beef Stroganoff is a dish made of meat pieces which have been sautéed to perfect tenderness and served with cream, onions mixed with some other ingredients. There is …

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Three Side Dishes That Are Amazing With Your Chicken Cordon Bleu

what to serve with chicken cordon bleu

Unlike many dishes that have their start dating back to the early “BC’s”, chicken cordon bleu is rather a more recent discovery which evolved out of many other creations involving the use of chicken, beef or veal with bread crumbs and dredging in eggs. The Term “Cordon Bleu” originally refers to the highest rank awarded to knights in the reign of king Henry 111 in France, but it holds no …

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Why all the fuss about fennel? Here is why

what does fennel taste like

Why all the fuss about fennel? Here is why There are spices, and there are spices! We agree that spices are ingredients used to flavour food and they are usually aromatic, but then there are some spices such as fennel that stand out. Fennel is not only used for food, it is also used for medicine too, and we shall discuss how it is used, when to use it and …

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Serve Potato Soup With Awesome Side Dishes

what to serve with potato soup

There are some dishes that we sometimes forget are in existence especially if they aren’t foods that are part of our routine, take potato soup for example. I know right, where has this long lost soup been? It has been around the corner waiting for me to introduce some of its sumptuous recipes to you and I am always going to do that, in fact, I am always happy to …

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Juice Recipes to Make Some Cornbread

what to serve with cornbread

So what’s the deal about cornbread today? It’s in the taste and texture. I have found out that people do tend to end up making cornbread they find nonappealing, and then the questions start to arise as to where they must have gone wrong. Hear me as I say this, it might not be you; it might just be the recipe! There are numerous ways cornbread can be made, from …

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Here Are Your best Ratatouille Accompaniment

what to serve with ratatouille

In present day of digitalization and technological advancement, it doesn’t take ages for dishes to gain popularity or fame. Nowadays, movies and musicals do the job conveniently, and a typical example of such food-fame is Ratatouille. I can categorically say a lot of people around the world got to know about the dish and appreciate the art of cooking more after watching the Disney movie. I mean, who wouldn’t love …

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