No one can deny fried food is delicious. French fries, chicken nuggets, corndogs, onion rings, fried shrimp… Just reading the name of some fried foods can be mouthwatering.
However, we all know fried food isn’t healthy for us and that’s another reality that can’t be denied.
The oil used to fry food might not be bad in small quantities but regular fryers use a lot of it, which can lead to clogged arteries, high cholesterol, heart disease, obesity and more.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could cook fried food in a healthier way?
This is where air fryers come into play.
When it comes to frying food in a healthier, easier, faster way, air fryers are the best option you can find. These appliances work by superheating the air surrounding your food, which not only reduces the amount of time you spend cooking but also the amount of oil you use in your recipes.
In fact, it’s not uncommon to use your air fryer to get oil-free fried food, which is a sentence that didn’t even existed before.
Using an air fryer is easy but coming up with recipes that exploit all the functions of these machines can be a little challenging, particularly for the first-time cook. This is why I’ve compiled a list of recipe books from all over the world.
In the following links you will find hundredths, if not thousands, of recipes that will help you take your air fryer knowledge to the next level.
Many of the links provided here are meant for Philips air fryers but, rest assured, you can cook the same recipes for other brands. Just make sure you’re using similar products to get the best recipes.
Soon you’ll be cooking delicious fried foods from all over the world in a healthier way and, hopefully, coming up with your own recipes in the near future.
Let’s get started!
1. Philips Airfryer – Healthy Recipes for Delicious Foods and Snacks
Apps are awesome. They make our lives easier by giving us a whole lot of information on different topics in a small, easy-to-use, package that can be quickly accessed from our phone.
As a technology giant, Philips knows this and has created an App specifically for their air fryers.
This handy little app, which is both available for iOS and Android devices, includes a variety of things that will make owning and using your Philips air fryer a piece of cake.
You can find:
- Over 200 recipes with variations according to air fryer models.
- Pictures for each recipe, which makes following the instructions even easier.
- Cooking tips and tricks to make the most of your air fryer.
- Video recipes
- Tutorial videos on how to care for your air fryer
- Shopping list feature, so you can transform your favorite recipes into shopping lists for the next time you go to the supermarket.
- Information on air fryer accessories and their respective uses.
Want to know more? Watch this video, which covers this app in more detail.
2. Avance Collection – Philips Airfryer Recipe Book
The Avance Collection is the crown jewel of Philips’ air fryers. Not only are these machines gorgeous to look at but they’re larger and smarter than their predecessors.
This cookbook, available in a downloadable PDF format, was created specifically with Avance air fryers in mind. It comes packed with useful information on how to properly use your machine, tips for getting the most out of your air fryer a quick guide to times and temperatures so you can get started right away in foods such as French fries, potato wedges, cheese sticks, chicken wings and other frozen food staples.
It also includes 33 advanced recipes that cover anything from appetizers to desserts so you can start impressing your family or your visitors with delicious, healthy meals cooked at home.
Some of the recipes included are croquettes, spring rolls, steak, soufflé and more, making this a crucial cookbook for anyone trying out new recipes.
3. Philips Air Fryer Recipes
If English isn’t your first language then you’re going to love this entry.
The following link includes cookbooks rather than recipes. The catch? They’re all in different languages.
If you own a Philips air fryer this list will help you a lot, as you’ll be able to find recipes from all over the world in the language you’re more comfortable with.
English, Dutch, German, Swedish, Spanish, Malay, Chinese, Korean, Turkish, Greek, Italian… you name it. Chances are you’re going to find at least one recipe book for you.
Some of the recipes you can find in these cookbooks include Air Fried Rösti, Begedil Kentang, Seafood Balls, Meat Stuffed Zucchini, Fried Provolone, Garlic Portobello, Goat Cheese Stuffed Bell Peppers, Quiches and many, many more.
Even if English is your first language you should check out this site so you can make your culinary experience as multicultural as it is delicious.
Bon Appétit
4. Pinterest Philips Air Fryer Recipes
Pinterest has always been the to-go site when it comes to recipes so why would air fryer recipes be any different?
While you can find recipes for just about any kind of air fryer, this particular board is dedicated to recipes cooked with Philips models so, if you own one, you can be sure you’ll find something you’ll like and you’ll be able to cook.

This board has hundredths of recipes. Some of them so creative I guarantee you won’t be able to find them anywhere else.
Raspberry soufflés, caramelized asparagus, jalapeño wontons, kale chips, baked eggs… you get the idea. You can even find a recipe for meatloaf cupcakes, if that sounds like something you’d like to eat.
There are so many different recipes in here you’ll be able to cook one each day without repeating for weeks so you won’t be running out of ideas anytime soon!
5. 7 Things to Cook in your Philips Air Fryer
While 7 things might not sound like much, particularly when compared to some of the links we’ve already shared, this is a website you can’t miss.
Anecdotal recipes might not be everyone’s cup of tea, as some people are only interested in the food and not the reasons behind it, but they can be really helpful.
The author of this article includes 7 recipes that she has cooked with her air fryer and shows us the results, as well as how easy it was to follow the recipes.
I love anecdotal recipes because, usually, the people writing them also write about the setbacks they faced while cooking and how they managed to overcome them. Not only that, but they offer small tips on how to improve the taste of the food, based on their own results.
I’ve found that anecdotal recipes are wonderful for beginners and the ones included in this website are no exception.
No doubt you’ve noticed that most, if not all, of the links I’ve shared so far talk exclusively about recipes you can make using a Philips AirFryer.
If you have an air fryer of a different brand, the next three links are for you:
6. Over 100 Air Fryer Recipes by The Dallas Socials
If you’re looking for a variety of recipes to experiment with your air fryer you should check out these recipes!
The Dallas Socials brings you 100 different recipes to try your hand at. You’ll find everything from appetizers to desserts and while some of the recipes mentioned there can be found on some of our previous lists, you’ll still find plenty of variety.
Banana chips, fried calamari, roasted mushrooms, lemony green beans, crispy duck fries, baked coconut chicken, fried tofu, apple pie and much, much more.
You’ll be able to find delicious tofu recipes for every member of the family and then some!
7. AllRecipe Air Fryer Recipes
AllRecipe brings to the table 26 different recipes which can be cooked with an air fryer, regardless of the model and brand.
While not as impressive as our previous choices, the best thing about this website is that all these recipes have been cooked by average people using average ingredients and kitchen utensils.
This means that you’ll be able to easily follow the recipes without being surprised by the use of a hard-to-find ingredient or some unpronounceable utensil you’ve never heard of before.
Stuffed tomatoes, crispy nacho prawns, cheesy garlic bread and more. All of these recipes have been cooked by regular people and not professional chefs, which means you can do it too!
8. Power Air Fryer XL Recipes
To prove that you can use different brands to get the same amazing results, let’s start this list with over 30 recipes created by Fusion Life Brands.
The recipes in this website cover anything from appetizers to desserts so you can start creating entire meals for you and your family right away.
French fries, blooming onion, beef roll up, spring rolls, fish tacos, and cherry pie are some of the recipes included in the list, but you’ll find much more!
Better yet, the recipes included are short, straight to the point, easy to follow and…drumroll please, some of the recipes included are good for single servings which are great news if you live on your own!
9. 12 Philips Air fryer Recipes for Indian Kitchen
When we said, this list was going to help you cook healthier food and appreciate foods from all over the world we weren’t kidding. Frying food is a common way of cooking in different cultures which are why you should take advantage of air fryers to try all sorts of things.
Because of this, we’ve selected this short but informative list with easy-to-make, straight to the point recipes either inspired or straight out of Indian cuisine.
Nankhatai, Pakoda, Chakli, Stuffed Okra and more, the recipes included in this list will help you get a taste of India from the comfort of your own home.
The only thing missing are images, which would’ve given this list a much more enjoyable appearance, but rest assured the recipes are good and the results delicious!
10. Vegan and Vegetarian Air fryer Recipes
Did someone say vegetarian?
While some people believe that ‘fried food’ is synonymous with fried chicken, truth is there are many, many meatless recipes you can cook in your air fryer and Pinterest is an excellent place to find them.
In this curated list, you’ll find stuffed mushrooms, fried potatoes, air roasted Brussel sprouts, fried banana spring rolls and more!
Plus, since India is known for its vegetarian cuisine you’ll also find plenty of Indian dishes which will help you broaden your culinary horizons.
Say… how does sesame toast sounds for dinner?
11. Cake Recipes for Air Fryers
One of the best things about Air Fryers, second only to the fact that they’re a healthier alternative to traditional frying, is just how versatile they can be. Yes, they’re mainly used for frying but did you know you can use your air fryer to bake?
That’s right!
This list includes over 10 cake and dessert recipes you can make using your air fryer, thus giving you the tools to make an entire meal, sweets and all, using the exact same appliance.
Chocolate cookies, orange fondant, cupcakes, profiteroles and even a traditional apple pie. If you’re serious about getting the most bang for your buck when it comes to your air fryer, this list of recipes is a must!
12. Budget Pantry
Talk about cost effective!
Budget Pantry is a blog dedicated to cheap yet healthy recipes that are not only easy to make but are also capable of fitting tight budgets. The best thing about this blog, at least in my opinion, is that it breaks down prices both by ingredients and per serving, so you know exactly how much you’re going to spend when following a new recipe.
The recipes under the ‘air fryer’ tag are no different and, in fact, show the versatility air fryers have and how they can be used in many situations.
In this blog, you’ll be able to find recipes for wings, spinach cheeseballs, meat scones, chicken stroganoff and even some traditional recipes of Singapore’s cuisine!
13. 6 Fun Air fryer Recipes Kids Can Make
While many kids might be curious about it, the kitchen is usually not the place for children. After all, with all the sharp points and hot edges, accidents can happen as soon as you’re distracted which happens to be often when you’re cooking.
This is one of the biggest advantages of air fryers. Not only are they healthier but the risk of injury is considerably lower, as your skin is never exposed to oil and because you’re using hot air to cook, not fire.
Because of this, letting your child help you cook with an air fryer is a great way of entertaining them while also teaching them helpful life skills and this link includes 6 easy-to-follow air fryer recipes that your kid will love!
14. Knorr Air fryer Recipes
While Knorr isn’t exactly known for their appliances they are known around the world for the great taste and high quality of their products, so it comes as no surprise that the recipes they have dedicated to Air fryers are just as good.
While all the recipes need a certain ingredient (we’re sure you can guess which one) they’re varied enough to deserve a post in our list.
After all, Chop Suey, Egg Chili, Pepper Mushroom and Manchurian aren’t dishes we’ve seen in other lists.
There are only 9 recipes in this list, but they’re all as unique as they’re delicious and, better yet, the recipes are easy enough to follow which means you’ll be cooking all these dishes in no time!
15. Noob Cook Recipes
Noob Cook, as the name promises, delivers easy to follow, easier to cook recipes aimed to beginner cooks and seasoned experts alike.
While the list is short, with only 6 new recipes there are things that you can’t find anywhere else, such as air fried Zai-Er, Prawn Paste Chicken, Crab Sticks and more.
Perhaps the best thing about Noob Cook’s Recipes is the fact that many of them are illustrated, making them easy to understand and even easier to achieve.
16. Cook pad
We’re finishing this list with 48 home cooked meals that use air fryers to achieve excellent results.
Brought to you by Cook pad, these recipes are hearty, delicious, affordable and easy to cook, making them a great choice for beginners, people on a budget or those who aren’t feeling like cooking something complicated for dinner.
With dishes such as Beer Butt Chicken, Crispy Chinese Soup Noodles, Fish Cakes and Deep Fried Swai, this list offers delicious and healthy recipes from all over the world that you can try whenever you feel like cooking something new!
17. Pinterest Air Fryer Recipes
We’ve already talked about Pinterest in a previous entry but, rest assured, this link includes even more recipes.
These recipes aren’t limited to Philips AirFryer models which means that you’ll get even more variety. You can literally find thousands of results, some of which are just extraordinary.
Just a couple of minutes of browsing will lead you to Fried Zucchini Chips, Sweet and Sour Pork, Roasted Broccoli and even cream cheese filled wontons which…come to think of it, sounds like a delicious dinner so excuse me while I go cook just that.